London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camberwell) 1869

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell]

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Cross Road, have been suspended from being carried
into operation, through the Tramways Company desiring
to make a double line along these thoroughfares,
(except that of the Camberwell New Road,) in
lieu of sidings and crossings, as previously provided
for, these alterations were approved by the Vestry,
and no doubt this proposition will receive the sanction
of the Legislature, and will also lead to the
speedy execution of the works. Great care has
been devoted in the passing of these bills through
Parliament, in order that the necessities of the
public traffic and the adjacent property might be
thoroughly cared for.
Powers have also been sought in the present
session for additional lines from Camberwell
Green, along the High Road towards London, also
along the Old Kent Road from London towards
New Cross, to join the line at New Cross Road with
that passing along the Peckham Road, as above
The following is a List of Streets, which, under
the order of the Metropolitan Board of Works
have been re-numbered, and in some instances