London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camberwell) 1861

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell]

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have been whitewashed and cleansed, and 29 repaired; 42
yards have been paved and amended; 25 dust-bins have been
provided; 105 houses have had water supplied to them for
drinking purposes, and in 75 cases water has been laid on to
closets ; 427 cesspools have been emptied, 149 filled up and
abolished, 102 water-closets have been provided, and 232 drains
trapped or cleansed. In addition to the above, 1402 complaints
of nuisances stand in the complaint book, due either to accumulations
of ashes, refuse or dung, to pigs or other animals dirtily
kept, or to unwholesome or offensive trades or manufactures.
All these have been investigated, and in the great majority of
cases more or less effectually remedied. Further, 4i slaughter
houses were inspected and approved of by us, and were consequently
allowed to obtain their licenses unopposed. All of
them have been periodically whitewashed ^and purified, and
those requiring amendment in paving or other respects, have
had the necessary works executed. The various mews have
during the summer months been periodically visited and
Many of the above works were executed after inspection
without the need of formal notice. In 3G2 cases notices were
served, and in 22 they had to be repeated In 13 instances
summonses had to be taken out in order to enforce the requirements
of the "Vestry. On the 31st of March, 20 notices
were still outstanding, the works ordered being either in progress
or as yet not taken in hand.
In accordance with the desire of the Vestry, I have monthly
tested the quality of gas, supplied by the South Metropolitan
Company, at their testing house in Hill Street. The illuminating
quality throughout the year was always considerably
above that required by Act of Parliament. The Act specifies
that the light, emitted by the flame of a standard Argand