London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1885

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green]

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The Vestry petitioned Parliament in favour of the Bill which
proposed to authorise within certain limits the payment of interest
on Capital during the progress of the Works. Until lately
Parliament has disapproved of and prohibited interest being paid
out of Capital, but is now disposed to relax what has heretofore
been regarded as a necessary restriction in the interest of the
Shareholders and of the Public. In this case and in some others
Parliament has given power to pay interest on Capital during the
period allowed for construction and before income is earned.
The fourteen candidates who were elected and received the gift
Mr. Thomas Bell, 2, Roman road.
Mr. James William Boddy, 63, Cheshire street.
Mr. Richard Child, 115, Gosset street.
Mr. Andrew William Clark, 20, The Oval.
Mr. Thomas Robert Davey, 49, White street.
Mr. James John Johnson, 227, Bethnal Green road.
Mr. Robert Jones, 16, Mape street.
Mr. Charles Wallace King, 73, Wellington row.
Mrs. Mary Lane, 53, Gosset street.
Mrs. Susannah Nicholls, 7, Brierly street.
Mrs. Matilda Peaston, Parmiter street.
Mrs. Rebecca Sanders, 14, Thomas street, Brick lane.
Mr. Thomas Stracey, 23, Chilton street.
Mrs. Susan Hadley Wheeler, 4, Nelson street.
Ail the recipients of last year were found to be alive and qualified,
except William Griffin and Samuel Bolton, who had died.
The surviving 38 recipients of last year were elected recipients
for this year, and the two vacancies were supplied by the election
of Elizabeth, the widow of the late William Griffin, and by the
re-election of Susan J ones, who, last year, was erroneously supposed
to have left the Parish.