London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hackney]

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free of cost. The sum collected from the sale of outfits was
£5 18s. Od. and the net cost to the Council was, therefore,
£13 6s. Od.
Arrangements for the Investigation of Maternal Deaths and
cases of Puerperal Fever and Puerperal Pyrexia.—No alteration has
been necessary in the Council's arrangements as regards the investigation
of maternal deaths. A list of the obstetric specialists
available for consultation in cases of puerperal fever and puerperal
pyrexia is given below:—
Miss Margaret Basden.
Miss Alice Bloomfield.
R. Alan Brews, Esq.
R. Christie Brown, Esq.
Harold Chappie, Esq.
Robert L. Dodds, Esq.
Arthur O. Gray, Esq.
Eardly L. Holland, Esq.
Victor J. F. Lack, Esq.
William McKim H. McCullagh, Esq.
Frank Neon Reynolds, Esq.
Frederick W. Roques, Esq.
Details of the use made of the Council's Consultant Obstetricians
in cases of puerperal pyrexia during the past year appear on
page 129 of this Report.
Consultants for Difficult Maternity Cases.—Under arrangements
made by the Council and approved by the Minister of Health the
services of the Obstetric Specialists mentioned in the foregoing
paragraph of this Report are also available to medical practitioners
in cases of difficult labour.
During 1938 the services of an Obstetric Specialist were
required in connection with two difficult confinements.
Home Helps.—One hundred and thirty-four applications were
granted during 1938 for the assistance of a "home help" under the
Maternity and Child Welfare Scheme. In the previous year 72
applications for this facility were granted.
Convalescent Home Treatment.—It has not been necessary to
make any alteration to the agreement which has existed for some
years between the Council and the Invalid Children's Aid