London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hackney]

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Overcrowding in London County Council's Property.
Anstey House 2
Carbroke House 1
Cheviot House 2
Chiltern House 1
Clent House 2
Cotswold House 1
Darcy Buildings 6
Greenham House 3
Grendon House 10
Kendal House 6
Laindon House 2
Multon House 12
Pentland House 1
Quantock House 4
Tornay House 6
Valette Buildings 10
Weald Square 2
Instructions have been given by the Borough Council's Housing
Committee for suitable accommodation to be offered to each of the
families in overcrowded tenements on its estates and this is now
being arranged. Action is also being taken by the London County
Council to secure abatement of the overcrowding existing in flats
on its estates.
The Act required the Council to prepare an estimate of the
number of new houses required to abate the overcrowding in the
Borough and to submit this to the London County Council for
transmission to the Ministry of Health. In order to secure uniformity
of method in the preparation of these estimates by the
various Metropolitan Borough Councils, the County Council
forwarded suggestions, incorporating those made by the Ministry
of Health, as to the form that the estimate of Hackney's requirements
should take. The following tables are those submitted to
the County Council in this respect:—