London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hackney]

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(a) For Infectious Gases.—Provided by the London County
Council—Eastern Ambulance Station, Brooksby's Walk, Homerton
Grove, E.9.
(b) For Non-Infectious and Accident Cases.—The London
County Council has an ambulance station in Paragon Road.
(c) For Maternity Cases.—Provided by the London County
Urgent cases are removed at any hour of the day or night free
of cost on application by a qualified medical practitioner or certified
midwife, provided that a doctor or midwife accompanies the patient-
Non-urgent cases are removed at any hour of the day or night
free of cost if admission to a maternity bed has previously been
arranged, and a card (issued by the London County Council to
hospitals, maternity homes, etc.) for such admission obtained.
The card must be handed to the ambulance attendant at the time
of removal. The husband or a female friend must accompany the