London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1921

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hackney]

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(c) 28th May, 1921.
"I note you were taking samples of the water above
Spring Hill yesterday. The rains up country the previous
day, wind, and the falling temperature had apparently cleared
the river somewhat as it was not so bad as on Thursday.
At the same time a great amount of pollution was trapped
between Messrs. Radley's boats at the bottom of Spring
Hill, and higher up the river gas bubbles and matter were
rising to the surface, the latter boiling and seething until its
'viciousness' had spent itself. Between the sluice gates and
Tottenham Lock the presence of bubbles on the surface presented
identically the same appearance as if a shower of rain
was in progress and was just as audible."
Analyses of samples taken from time to time showed a high
degree of sewage pollution to be present.
Following representation by the Council to the Ministry of
Health and to the Members of Parliament for the Borough, a Conference
of representatives of the Authorities concerned was held
at the Ministry of Health, and the matter was referred to the
Engineering Advisors of the Ministry and the Authorities concerned
to consider the most practicable means of dealing with the
sewage of those Authorities that are at present discharging
sewage into the Lee.