London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampton 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampton]

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Ambulance Facilities.
The Local Council have an ambulance for infectious
The local branch of the St. John's Ambulance and Red
Cross Society have a motor ambulance, which is always
available for the removal of accident and other urgent
There is also available a hand-wheeled ambulance
belonging to the Police.
Clinics and Treatment Centres.
An Infant Welfare Centre is provided by the Local
Council and is situated in Priory Road, Hampton. It is under
the control of a Lady Medical Officer, and is supervised by
the Medical Officer of Health.
Weekly sessions are held, at which the Health Visitor
attends, and she is assisted by a body of Voluntary Workers.
The Health Visitor keeps all children under observation
until they are five years of age, after which they attend
school and so come under the School Clinic, which is held
at the Stanley Road School, Teddington, and is provided
and staffed by the County Council.
There are no Day Nurseries in this district.
A Tuberculosis Dispensary is provided by the Middlesex
County Council, and is situated at Twickenham and
Hounslow, where patients from this district attend for
Sanatorium treatment is also arranged for by the
Middlesex County Council.
Venereal Diseases are treated at various hospitals as
arranged under the scheme of the Middlesex County Council.