London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1972

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Port of London]

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(as at 31st December, 1972)
Chairman Henry Duckworth, J.P., Deputy
Deputy Chairman Herbert Twyneham Pike, Deputy
Aldermen Sir Denys Colquhoun Flowerdew Lowson, Bt., M.A.
Lindsay Roberts Ring
Robin Danvers Penrose Gillett, R.D.
Neville Bernard Burston, M.A.
Commoners Edwin Stephen Wilson
Richard Christopher Larkins Charvet, R.D.
Arthur Malcolm Bell, LL.B.
Samuel Sheppard, O.B.E.
Philip Frederick Allday
Thomas Cuthbert Harrowing, Deputy
Arthur Edward Chase Green, M.B.E., T.D., D.L.
Dudley.'Recknell Clack
Capt. Frederick Arthur Kemmis Betty, O.B.E., V.R.D., R.N.R.
Thomas Ernest Chester Barratt, C.B.E., M.A., LL.B., Deputy
Kenneth Alfred Ballard, M.C.
Eric Frederick Wilkins, C.B.E., Deputy
Sir Stanley Graham Rowlandson, M.B.E., J.P., G.L.C.
Francis Seymour Smith, T.D.
Dennis Gordon Fisher
William Ian Baverstock Brooks
Leslie Joseph Walshaw Smith
Andrew Hugh Fitzgerald Olsen, B.Sc.
Henry Wimburn Sudell Horlock, M.A., Sheriff
William Harold Wylie Harris, Deputy
Stanley Edward Cohen, C.B.E.
Dr. James Cope
William George Alfred Harries
Iris Samuels
William Allan Davis
Cyril Edward Baylis
Cyril Henry Murkin
Ronald Arthur Ralph Hedderwick
Col. Frederick Arthur Sudbury, O.B.E., E.R.D., J.P.
Sir Thomas Kingsley Collett, Kt., C.B.E., Deputy
Lady Donaldson, J.P.