London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Port of London]

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Date. 1938.Sample.Result of Analysis.Action taken.
Feb. 10Peeled tomatoesFree from prohibited preservatives and colouring matter.None.
„ 10Sardines in tomatoFree from the presence of lead and copper.None.
„ 11Tomato pureeContained 8 parts of copper per million.None.
„ 12Raspberry extractFree from prohibited preservatives and colouring matter.None.
„ 15Sardines (2)These samples contained 1 and 3 parts of lead per million respectively.None.
„ 15Apricot pulpContained 1,164 parts of sulphur dioxide per million.None.
„ 15Canned fish (4)These samples on examination gave the following results:—None.
SampleTin, grains per pound
„ 15SardinesContained 1 part of lead per million.None.
„ 18Canned fish (4)All samples were free from prohibited preservatives, colouring matter and tin. The stuffed salmon contained 3 parts of lead per million.None.
„ 23Tinned cherriesFree from the presence of sulphur dioxide.None.
„ 23SardinesContained 5 parts of lead per million.None.
„ 23BrislingContained 0.15 grains of tin per pound.None.
„ 24Tomato pasteContained 64 parts of copper per million.None.
„ 25Matte teaFound to be free from the presence of extraneous matter.None.
„ 25Tomato pasteContained 2 parts of copper per million.None.
„ 25Canned fish (3)These samples on examination gave the following results:—None.
SampleTin, Grains per pound
Smoked Cod RoeNone.
Sild in Tomato0.25
Sild in OilNone.
The cod roe contained 4 parts of lead per million. The sild in tomato contained a trace only of copper.
„ 25Sugar sweepingsContained 168 parts of copper per million.Consignment destroyed.
„ 28GherkinsContained 138 parts of copper per million of the dry weight of the sample.Reported to M.O.H. City of London.
Mar. 7Tomato pasteContained 110 parts of copper per million of the dry weight of the sample.Consignment re-exported.
„ 10Tomato pureeContained 14 parts of copper per million of the dry weight of the sample.None.
„ 10Runner beansContained 450 parts of copper per million of the dry weight of the sample.Consignment re-exported.
„ 10Unsalted butterFree from the presence of prohibited colouring matter and preservatives, including boron.None.
„ 10VinegarContained 7.98 per cent. of acetic acid.None.
„ 10Hurry powderContained 3 parts of lead per million.None.
„ 16Pish, tinnedThese samples on Examination gave the following results:—None.
SampleTin, Grains per pound
Kipper SnacksNone.
Herring RoesNone.
The crab also contained 3 parts of lead per million.
„ 24Blackcurrant pulpFree from the presence of prohibited colouring matter and preservatives.None.
„ 24Canned fish (2)Both free from prohibited preservatives.None.
„ 24Tomato pureeContained 120 parts of copper per million of the dried sample.Letter to Importer.
„ 24Oranges (2)Both samples contained foreign colouring matter. This colouring matter is not, however, a prohibited dye.Letter to Importer.
„ 28Tomato pureeContained 85.5 parts of copper per million of the dried sample.Letter to Importer.
„ 29Tomato pureeContained 6 parts of copper per million of the dried sample.Letter to Importer.