London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Port of London]

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Actinomycosis 74
Analyst's Reports on Foodstuffs 76
Aliens 82
Beef 73
Biscuits and Confectionery 76
Board of Trade Instructions as to the
Survey of Master's and Crew Spaces 84
Cholera 8
Continued Fever 12
Canal Boats 87
Chickenpox 16
Dangerous Drugs Act, 1920 85
Diphtheria 13
Dysentery 24
Enteric Fever 11
Erysipelas 25
Effects Disinfected 30
Eggs 76
Foot and Mouth Disease 29
Fumigation 36
Food Inspection 73
Fish 74
Fruit 75
Grain 76
Hospital 70
Houseboats 85
Introductory 6
Infectious Disease 7
„ ,, Notification of 7
Influenza 24
Jam, Marmalade and Honey 75
Legal Proceedings 83
League of Nations Health Organisation 86
Launches and Hulks 86
Medical Inspection 6
Measles and German Measles 15, 16
Malaria 20
Miscellaneous Diseases 29
Meat Destroyed 72
Mutton 73
Meats, Canned 74
„ Smoked and Salted 74
Meal and Flour 76
Motor Launch, New 86
Nuts 75
Nuisances 79
Offices 3
Offal 74
Offensive Cargoes 82
Plague 9
Pneumonia 23
Public Health (Foreign Meat) Regulations,
1908 73
Pork 74
Provisions 75
Prepared Foods 76
Remittent Fever 11
Relapsing Fever 11
Rat Fumigations and Precautions 34, 37
Rabbits 74
Rats 31
Scarlet Fever 12
Smallpox 13
Sausages 74
Sundries, Food 76
Shell Fish 83
Sanitary Inspections 78
Sanitary Works and Alterations 81
Staff 5,87
Tuberculosis :—
Pulmonary 17
Other kinds 20
Training Ships 81
Unsound Food Destroyed 71
Venereal Diseases 25
Vessels and Premises Disinfected 30
Veal 74
Vegetables 75
table page
I. Medical Inspection 6
II. Infectious Disease-Summary 7
III. Compulsory Notification of
Infectious Disease, with
number of Deaths 7
IV. Cholera 8
V. Plague 9
VI. Remittent and Relapsing
Fevers 11
VII. Enteric Fever (Typhoid and
Paratyphoid Fever) 11
VIII. Continued Fever 12
IX. Scarlet Fever 12
X. Diphtheria 13
XI. Smallpox 13
XII. Measles and German Measles 15, 16
XIII. Chickenpox 16
XIV. Pulmonary Tuberculosis 17
XV. Tuberculosis, other kinds 20
XVI. Malaria 20
XVII. Pneumonia 23
XVIII. Influenza 24
XIX. Dysentery 24
XX. Erysipelas 25
XXL Venereal Diseases 25
XXII. Miscellaneous Diseases 29
XXIII. Vessels and Premises
fected 30
XXIV. Effects, Bedding, &c.,
fected 30
table page
XXV. Rats Caught and Destroyed 31
XXVI. Analysis of Rats Examined 32
XXVII. Returns of Rats Examined 33
XXVIII. Rat Fumigations 34
XXIX. Rat Precautions, U.S.A. Requirements
XXX. Shipping Entering the Port,
Form A 37
XXXI. Rats Destroyed and Examined,
Form B 37
XXXII. Precautions against Plague,
Form C 38
XXXIII. Vessels Subjected to Measures
of Rat Destruction, Form D 70
XXXIV. Hospital Cases 70
XXXV. Unsound Food Seized, &c 71
XXXVI. Unsound Meat Destroyed,
Weights, &c. 72
XXXVII. Sanitary Inspections,
mary 78
XXXVIII. Sanitary Inspections,
ces on Vessels 79
XXXIX. Sanitary Inspections,
ces on Shore Premises 80
XL. Sanitary Works and Alterations
XLI. Bye-laws, Offensive Cargoes 82
XLII. Aliens, Medical Inspection 82
Summary of Canal Boats.
Revenue Account.