London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beddington and Wallington 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beddington and Wallington]

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Informal Sample No. 6—Bread
The bread contained small masses of foreign matter. This was composed
of "fluff," i.e. matted fibres of vegetable and animal origin, some
of which were dyed. A warning letter was sent to the manufacturer.
Formal Sample No. 12—Preserved Pork Sausages
The sausages contained 62% meat. Pork sausages ordinarily contain
at least 65% of meat. A warning letter was sent to the manufacturer.
Informal Sample No. 30—Cut and Wrapped Brown Loaf
The bread contained several small masses of a grey substance, which was
found to consist of baked dough discoloured by burnt flour and containing
some woody particles and jute fibres. The manufacturer was prosecuted.
A fine of £10 was imposed with 5 guineas costs.
Informal Sample No. 35—Bread Roll
The bread roll contained a number of charred jute fibres forming a
broken line across the bottom crust, probably due to the presence of a
piece of string under the dough when baking. A letter was sent to the
manufacturer whose explanation was accepted.
Informal Sample No. 36—Bread Roll
The side of the roll was blackened by a deposit of charred bread. A
letter was sent to the manufacturer whose explanation was accepted.
Informal Sample No. 67—Channel Islands Milk
The sample contained fat 3.45%, solids-not-fat, 8.84%. The milk
submitted had been the subject of a complaint that it had a salt taste.
No abnormal constituent was found and the salt was within the natural
range. Channel Islands Milk should contain at least 4% of milk-fat, but
it is not known whether the fat content had suffered any reduction after
sale. A further sample was obtained from the same retailer and submitted
for analysis on the following day. This sample satisfied the standard for
Channel Islands Milk.
Informal Sample No. 73—Fruit Pie (Apricot)
The sample contained embedded in the apricot filling, a small steel
turning weighing 2 grains. A warning letter was sent to the manufacturer.
Informal Sample No. 89—Bread Roll (Buttered with Cheese)
The sample contained a dead fly adhering to the crust at the bottom
of the roll. It was decided to take no action in relation to this sample,
which was submitted as the result of a complaint, in the absence of evidence
as to the stage at which the fly came into contact with the roll.