London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beddington and Wallington 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beddington and Wallington]

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Special work of this nature is carried out when required at the
Counties Public Health Laboratories.
Routine examinations of milk and water samples continue to be
done in the Public Health Laboratory established in 1937 at the Town
Hall, Wellington, under the supervision of the Medical Officer of
On the whole, the nutritional standards of the population, as
shown by mothers, infants and young children, have been fairly well
maintained, but children who have possibly not received enough cod
liver oil or one of the substitutes often show by the presence of a
shallow groove across their ribs, known as Harrison's Sulcus, a mild
degree of Avitaminosis D (rickets). Treatment at the Solarium is of
special value in this condition, and also in the cases of delayed teething,
which are not uncommon.
Several cases of infantile scurvy were observed during the year in
children who, while being bottle-fed, had not received enough orange
juice or other form of Vitamin C. These cases quickly responded to
Vitamin C tablets.
The relative scarcity of animal food owing to the rationing since
war conditions is to some extent reflected in the flabby muscles and
poor appetite of children of the toddler class. There is bound to be
an improvement when rationing of important foodstuffs is no longer
Only a small quantity of shell fish is marketed in the district, and
is obtained chiefly from Billingsgate Market, London.
The following Acts have been adopted: —
Public Health Acts (Amendment) Act, 1890, Parts I, II and III.
Public Health Acts (Amendment) Act, 1907, Parts I to VI and
VIII to X.
Private Street Works Act, 1892.
Public Health Act, 1925.
Public Libraries Acts, 1892-1919.
Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899-1923.
Byelaws in respect to the following are in force: —
Good Rule and Government.
Removal of House Refuse.
Public Sanitary Conveniences.