London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Whitechapel 1868

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Whitechapel]

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TABLE I.— Cases of Sickness of the Zymotic and Acute classes, which are recorded in the Books of the Medical Officers of the Union, for the three months ending on the 26th Sept., 1868.

Names of Medical Officers,Small-Pox.Measles.Scarlatina.Hooping-Cough.Diarrhoea.Cholera and Choleraic-Diarrhoea.Continued Fever, Typhus & Typhoid.Cholera.Erysipelas.Puerperal Fever.Croup.Acute Pulmonary Inflammation.Carbuncle,Rheumatic Fever.Ague,Dysentery.Delirium Tremens.Lead Poisoning.All other Diseases.Total.
Bronchitis and Catarrh.Pleuritis and Pneumonia.
Dr. Swyer713864006330600826217113010541591
Mr. Champneys0821182029040091000001556793
Dr. Richardson1745222070500346050203562863
Mr. Sequiera5233112371440100091104300111561518
Corresponding Quarter of previous year.41441318836361014136933123073027983968