London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Redbridge 1969

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Redbridge]

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Attendances and Treatment
Number of first visits 4,608
Number of subsequent visits 8,725
Number of total visits 13,333
Number of additional courses of treatment commenced 1,033
Number of fillings in permanent teeth 7,769
Number of fillings in deciduous teeth 4,498
Number of permanent teeth filled 6,791
Number of deciduous teeth filled 4,256
Number of permanent teeth extracted 435
Number of deciduous teeth extracted 2,168
Number of extractions under general anaesthetics 552
Number of emergencies treated 167
Number of pupils x-rayed 335
Number of pupils who received prophylaxis 1,430
Number of teeth otherwise conserved 302,
Number of teeth root filled 33
Number of inlays -
Number of crowns 24
Number of courses of treatment completed 4,423
Number of cases remaining from previous year 214
Number of new cases commenced during year 106
Number of cases completed during the year 66
Number of cases discontinued during the year 4
Number of removable appliances fitted 132
Number of fixed appliances fitted 1
Number of pupils referred to Hospital Consultants 3
Pupils supplied with Full upper or Full lower (first time) -
Pupils supplied with other dentures (first time) 11
Number of dentures supplied 13