London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Redbridge 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Redbridge]

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7,741 medical inspections were carried out in 1968 and of these
only 30 were seen whose general physical condition was considered
to be unsatisfactory (Appendix 16 Table A). In addition 946 special
examinations were carried out (Appendix 16 Table B).
With the co-operation of Head Teachers of schools in the borough,
all immigrant children are medically examined as soon as possible after
admission to school. Included in this examination is a skin test to detect
tubercular infection and those children who show by this test that they
are susceptible to tuberculosis, are offered B.C.G. vaccination.
Dr. J. K. Anand, one of our Departmental Medical Officers, has
been of great help in advising our staff on problems arising from our
lack of knowledge of Asian surnames and prenames.
Tests of
Vision and
This service has continued satisfactorily during 1968, but due to
the change in staff and the subsequent loss of their services for a
temporary period whilst training is undertaken the total number of pupils
tested has decreased slightly.
Number Tested Number Passed Total Number of Defects Number Referred for Advice
Vision 14,482 9,674 4,808 1,508
Number Tested Number Passed Number Advised further Test Number Referred for Advice
Hearing 9,024 7,401 1,396 227
A breakdown of the figures for children of 15 at selective and nonselective
secondary schools shows that one third more children at
selective schools show visual defects than do pupils at non-selective
The old theory that myopia or short sight — which is the cause of
the vast majority of these defects — is due to failure of the lens of the
eye to adapt to the strains of the academic life has been discredited on
current thinking suggests that while there is little difference between
the non-verbal intelligence of children with myopia and those with