London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Redbridge 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Redbridge]

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meals from one of our Old People's Homes on the three days over
Christmas when the Town Hall kitchen was closed.
Under Section 21 of the National Assistance Act, it is the duty of
the Local Authority to provide temporary accommodation for families
who are rendered homeless through "circumstances which cculd not
reasonably have been foreseen". Until recently the provision of temporary
accommodation by Redbridge was a fairly self-contained problem in
comparison with the large numbers involved in the majority of inner
London Boroughs. In conjunction with the Redbridge Housing Deportment,
plans were evolved to meet the needs of the less fortunate Redbridge
families in a humanitarian fashion and to cater for the replacement
of units no longer available at Suttons Hostel, Hornchurch. It is to be
regretted that the London Squatters Association and the intricacies of
the law of trespass should bring even more problems to those families
who were unfortunate enough to be brought into the Borough by the
Squatters Association. Whilst giving due credit to the Squatters Association
for their apparent concern for homeless families in general, it is
cause for concern that homeless families in particular in Redbridge are
victims of further anxiety occasioned by squatting activities.
Services &
Public Health
Act, 1968
This Act which received the Royal Assent on the 26th July, 1968,
makes amendments connected with the Local Authorities Services under
the National Assistance Act 1948 enabling Local Authorities to extend
their services for the Elderly in a number of directions, including the
use of Private Homes for the accommodation of Elderly Persons in need
of care and attention. Before the Government authorises the introduction
of some of the new services provided for under the Act, Local Authorities
have been requested to investigate the needs of the Elderly and
in this connection the survey of people over 75 years of age residing in
the 11 ford part of the Borough will be invaluable. With regard to the use
of Private Homes, the Council agreed to seek an amendment to their
Scheme under the National Assistance Act, 1948 and it is unfortunate
that at the time of going to press authority has not yet been received
from the Secretary of State to this amendment, therefore, arrangements
can not yet be made for the care of old people in Private Homes, which
would relieve the pressure to some extent on the Council's Residential
Homes for the Elderly.
The year has been marked by developing good relations with Voluntary
Organisations and in this connection mention should be made of