London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Malden and Coombe 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Malden & Coombe]

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construction or alteration to shop premises, due consideration
is given to ensure that the proposals comply with the provisions of
the Act.
The Public Health Inspectors are responsible for the administration
of the law relating to shop hours, including early closing
and Sunday trading.
215 inspections were made during the year. Most of the
necessary action taken was in connection with the exhibiting of
notices and the sale from mixed shops of groceries etc., on the
early closing day and Sunday mornings.
51 visits were made in connection with smoke abatement and
much time was spent in co-operation with the managements of
two industrial premises to eliminate nuisance caused by intermittent
emissions of smoke.
The potential danger of the spread of disease and the damage
done to foodstuffs make this service an important public health
The duties of the Council under the Prevention of Damage
by Pests Act, 1949, were fully carried out. Householders appreciate
the free service which has been maintained. A charge is
made for the treatment of business premises, many of which are
liable to infestation by nature of the trade carried on. The proprietors
in many cases have made an annual service agreement
which is a very satisfactory procedure. The resultant prompt
notification of the presence of rats or mice and immediate treatment
ensures that serious infestations do not occur.
The Borough river boundaries, depots, sewage disposal
works, disused refuse tips, piggeries and open spaces have received
constant attention.
The annual 10% test baiting of sewers was, after consultation
with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, again
waived with a consequent saving of expenditure.
Many enquiries were made and advice given about grants
available under the above Act.
During the year 5 applications for an improvement grant
were approved, 5 were given a preliminary approval, 4 were withdrawn
and 1 was ineligible for grant.