London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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INDEX— continued.
Factories 46
Food and Drugs Act, 1938 44-45
Food Poisoning 51
Food Supply 42
Inspections * 42
Unsound Food 42
Health Services 22-23
Heart Disease—Deaths from 15-16, 18
Hospitals 26-29
Housing 48-49
Inspections and Defects 41, 48
Number inhabited 8
Verminous premises 42
Industry 8
Infant Mortality 9, 19-21
Rates 10-11, 19
Infectious diseases 50-52
Diseases notifiable 50
Inquests 15
Isolation Hospital 26-27
Laboratory Facilities 23
Examination of clinical material 23
Maternal Mortality 18-19
Rates 11, 19
Maternity and Child "Welfare 29
Ante-Natal Clinics 31, 34
Attendances at each Centre by age groups 32
Attendances at Infant Consultation Clinics 32
Attendances at Maternity Clinics 31
Attendances at all Infant Welfare Centres 32
Attendances at Centres over last ten years 32
Attendances in relation to the registered births 33
Consultant advice for maternity 36
Convalescent Home Treatment 35