London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Carshalton 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Carshalton]

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Laboratory Facilities 19
Maternal Mortality 16
Measles 48
Meat 38
Meningococcal Infection 50
Milk Supply 37
Milk and Dairies Regulations, 1949 38
Mortuary 29
Natural and Social Conditions 6
National Assistance Act 30
Offices 29
Outworkers 36
Ophthalmia Neonatorum 51
Pet Animals Act, 1951 30
Pneumonia 48
Poliomyelitis 50
Population 8
Public Cleansing 23
Puerperal Pyrexia 52
Rag Flock and other Filling Materials Act, 1951 30
Rateable Value 6
Rats and Mice Destruction 28
Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act,
1933 34
Rivers and Streams 23
Sanitary Circumstances
Sanitary Inspection 24,25,26 27
Scarlet Fever 45
Shops Acts 29
Slum Clearance and Demolition 34
Smallpox 43
Smoke Abatement 28
Staff 5
Comparative 12,13
Vital 7
Swimming Baths
Tents, Vans, Sheds and similar Structures 36
Tuberculosis 15,58
Unemployment 8
Vaccination 19,43
Vermin Control 27
Water Supply 21
Whooping Cough 49
Zymotic Diseases—
Deaths from 7