London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Carshalton 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Carshalton]

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Section B—Health Services.
Laboratory Facilities.
Routine clinical material in connection with infectious diseases,
puerperal pyrexia and tuberculosis is examined at the Emergency
Public Health Laboratories at the St. Helier and Sutton and Cheam
Hospitals. Laboratory investigations into suspected food poisoning and
bacteriological examination of milk and water are carried out at the
Epsom Public Health Laboratories. Food, drugs and water samples
are submitted to the Council's analyst, Mr. D. D. Moir, 16, Southwark
Street, London, S.E.I. No facilities exist under the local Public Health
Laboratory Service for the biological testing of milk samples for tuberculosis
and these are submitted to the Royal Surrey County Hospital,
The following examinations were made during the year:—
Throat and Nose Swabs 6
Faeces Specimens 687
Urine Specimens 16
Sputum for T.B. 1
Water (Public Supply):—
For chemical analysis 2
For bacteriological examination 6
Food and Drugs:—
Analysis 328
Bacteriological examinatioruof milk 226
Bacteriological examination of ice-cream 105
Bacteriological examination of other foods 3
Biological examination of milk 15
Vaccination and Immunisation.
By agreement between the County and District Councils the Medical
Officers of Health continue to direct the arrangements for diphtheria
immunisation and vaccination in their respective districts, although
these services are the responsibility of the County Council under Section 26
of the National Health Service Act. Details of the operation of the scheme
are given in Section F of this Report dealing with infectious diseases.
Clinics and Treatment Centres.
The following programme of clinics is provided by the County
Council and the Hospital Board and are available to residents of the