London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Carshalton 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Carshalton]

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Section E.—Inspection and Supervision
of Food.
Milk Supply.
There are four producers of milk in the district with a total of
about 120 cows. Two are licensed to produce Accredited Milk.
The number of retailers on the register is 108 with 122 premises,
10 of which were registered during the year. Sixty-six have
premises in the district, the remaining 42 retail milk brought from
premises outside the district.
The bulk of the milk consumed is pasteurised, a relatively
small amount of raw milk being sold at the few local farms and one
dairyman retailing his supply produced outside the district.
Periodic visits of inspection were made to all the milk premises
and 94 samples were taken for bacteriological examination, the
results of which are given in Table 15.
Milk (Special Designations) Order, 1936.
Licences to retail milk under the above Order were issued by the
Council as follows :—
Licences to use the term " Tuberculin Tested " 10
Licences to use the term " Pasteurised " 6
Supplementary licences to use the term " Tuberculin
Tested" 9
Supplementary licences to use the term " Pasteurised
" 14