London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Diphtheria Immunisation Clinics
Diphtheria Immunisation Clinics are held as follows:—
Meopham Road Clinic Every Monday afternoon.
Mitcham Court Every Wednesday morning.
Cavendish Road Clinic Every Thursday afternoon.
Scabies Clinic
A Clinic for the diagnosis of this condition is held by the
Medical Officer of Health at Mitcham Court every morning.
Treatment is given at Western Road Clinic.
Tuberculosis Clinic
The Surrey County Council is the authority responsible for
diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Dispensaries are held at
the St. Helier County Hospital every Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday by appointment.
Venereal Diseases Clinics
The Surrey County Council is the responsible authority for
venereal diseases in this area and is a member of the London
and Home Counties Scheme. The arrangements provide for the
free diagnosis and treatment of these diseases at the Croydon
General Hospital, the St. Helier, Guildford, Redhill and Kingston
County Hospitals, the War Memorial Hospital, Woking, and at
hospitals under the London and Home Counties Scheme.
The disinfection of houses is undertaken by the Council.
Disinfection of bedding, etc., is done by the Wandle Valley
Isolation Hospital.
Charges are made for disinfection which is not in the interests
of the public health.
Public library books which have been in contact with cases
of infectious disease are disinfected by the Public Health Department.