London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Cases of Infectious Disease Notified During the Year 1934.

Disease.Number of Cases Notified.Total Cases notified in each Ward.Total Cases Removed to Hospital.Deaths.
At all Ages.At Ages—Years.
Under 1 year.1 and under 2 years.2 and under 3 years.3 and under 4 years.4 and under 5 years.5 and under 10 years.10 and under 15 years.15 and under 20 years.20 and under 35 years.35 and under 45 years.45 and under 65 years.65 and over.
Small Pox.........................................................
Scarlet Fever392...1010232119675182514......572272781344...
Typhoid Fever.........................................................
Puerperal Fever1...........................1...............11...
Puerperal Pyrexia6........................24......11...44...
Ophthalmia Neonatorum22..........................................211
Encephalitis Lethargica......................................................1†
Cerebro-Spinal Fever1...............1...........................111
* Includes all forms, many of which are not notifiable. † Transferred death.