London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Dental Clinic.
The dental clinic continues to "make good." Two sessions
are held each month. At the first session the dental surgeon
attends, and inspections, extractions under local anaesthesia, fillings,
scalings, impressions and the fitting of dentures are carried out.
At the second session the doctor attends to give gas for extractions.
The dental clinic is open to children under school age and to
expectant mothers.
The total number of patients referred to the dental clinic
during the year was 128. Of these 92 actually attended, the total
attendances being 233, the average attendance being 11.

The work done at the clinic during the year is shown in the following table:—

Extractions, under local anæsthesia22
„ „ gas or ethylchloride anæsthesia52
Fitting dentures19

In necessitous cases assistance was granted by the Maternity
and Child Welfare Committee towards the cost of new dentures,
applications for this assistance being considered each month by the
Committee and grants being made according to the scale adopted
by the Council.
I desire to place on record my thanks to Mrs. E. S. Wray,
Superintendent Health Visitor, and to Miss G. M. Evans, Matron
of Woodlands, for their invaluable help and loyal co-operation
during the past two years. To the Health Visitors and the
Nursing Staff of Woodlands I also tender thanks.
I also take this opportunity of thanking all the voluntary
workers, who give their time and services so generously and
faithfully, week by week, at the infant welfare centres.
Florence M. Parsons,
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.