London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Birth-rate, Death-rate, and Analysis of Mortality during the year 1934.

-rate per 1,000 total PopulationAnnual Death-Rate per 1000 Population.Rate per 1000 Live Berths.Peecentage of Total Deaths.
All Causes.Enteric Fever.Small-pox.Measles.Scarlet Fever.Whooping Cough.Diphtheria.Influenza.Violence.Diarrhoea and Enteritis (under Two Years).Total Deaths under One Year.Certified by Registered Medical PractitionersInquest Cases.Certified by Coroner after P.M. No Inquest.Uncertified causes of Death.
Live Births.Stillbirths.
England and Wales14.80.6211.
121 County Boroughs and Great Towns, including London14.70.6611.
132 Smaller Towns (estimated resident populations 25,000 -50,000 at Census 1931)15.00.6711.
Borough of Mitcham15.60.669.

Puerperal Sepsis. Others. Total.
The maternal mortality rates for England and Wales are as follows:
per 1,000 Live births 2.03 2.57 4.60
„ „ Total births 1.95 2.46 4.41
„ „ „ Borough of Mitcham:
„ „ Live births — 2.1 2.1
„ „ Total births — 2.0 2.0