London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Supply of Food and Medicines.
Packets of dried food, cod liver oil, cod liver oil emulsion and
Parish's Food were sold at the Centres. These were supplied free
in necessitous cases. Grants of free milk were also supplied where
necessary, applications for these being considered each month by
the Maternity and Child Welfare Committee.
General Remarks.
The nutrition, clothing and cleanliness of the children attains a
very high standard, and attendance at the Centres is very regular.
No cases of gross rickets have been noted, and only very few cases
of mild rickets. Children found to be suffering from any pathological
conditions were referred to the family doctor or hospital, a
letter giving particulars of the conditions found being sent with
the patient.
Ante-Natal Centres.
One session is held each month at the Meopham Road and
Cavendish Road Centres, and one session each week in connection
with Woodlands Maternity Home. The total number of expectant
mothers attending the centres was 327, the total attendances being
1,257. Of the total number of notified births, 35.5 per cent. of the
mothers had attended the ante-natal clinics.
It is encouraging to note that the patients attended the antenatal
clinics with great regularity. The majority of expectant
mothers were young primigravidae. Any patient found to be suffering
from any pathological condition was referred to her own doctor,
or in a few cases to hospital, a letter giving details of the abnormal
conditions found accompanying the patient in either case. Letters
were sent to midwives who sent patients to the centres, and midwives
were invited to attend the Sessions. No patient who was to
be confined by her own doctor was examined at the centres unless
with the permission of her own doctor. One case of primary
hyperpiesis was admitted to Guy's Hospital for treatment from the
Woodlands Ante-Natal Clinic. Patients found to be suffering from
dental caries were referred to their own dentist or to the Dental
Clinic. The old prejudice against the extraction of teeth or any