London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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children's playground, paddling and boating pools and
a model traffic centre. Also on the same site, adjacent
to the health centre, is an open-air swimming pool with
sun-bathing facilities and municipal restaurant. Youth
community services in the evenings are provided in a
secondary modern school, built in the same year (1938)
and on the same site. The whole is contiguous with a
housing estate comprising two thousand municipal houses.
(3) A central health centre (or polyclinic) was proposed to be
built in Tottenham in close association with the local
general hospital. Staffed and equipped to provide a
complete range of specialist diagnostic clinics, such a
centre, linked to the smaller and less lavishly equipped
neighbourhood or community health centres in the
district would relieve much of the pressure of the hospital
out-patient department; and provide physical contact
between the family doctor, public health worker and the
hospital specialist and auxiliary staff. Increasing scope
would be given by such a central health centre (or polyclinic)
for linking post-graduate teaching and special
departments with medical and public health work at the
periphery; and so encourage co-operative effort in
organised and planned research into medical and social
problems. This must result in an increased amount of
available data, which, if properly correlated, can supply
a more complete local audit of community health than
has been possible in the past. For this purpose a
statistical department is essential to the central health
centre, equipped with all necessary modern mechanical
aids for sorting the records and tabulating the results.
This department would serve the hospital, family doctor
and public health services of the district.
On the coming into operation of the National Health Service
Act, early consideration should be given to the possibility of
extending the premises at both of the new centres at Park Lane,
and Lordship Lane to make provision for the additional services
required by section 21 of the Act. To further improve the facilities
at Lordship Lane, co-operation of the Local Education Authority
may be considered for the erection of a Community Centre on the
same site, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act,