London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1943

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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By means of systematic visitation of shops throughout the
Borough, effective administration is secured, and the necessary
information obtained for the purpose of keeping up-to-date a
register of all shops in the Borough. Regular visits and investigations
are made on the days on the weekly half holiday, and in the
evening, to ensure that the provisions of the Acts and the various
early closing orders made thereunder are duly complied with.
Shops in the Tottenham (Remainder) Area are closed for the
weekly half holiday at 1 p.m. on Thursday, and in the Harringay
area on Wednesday at 1 p.m. In connection with half holiday
closing, 215 visits were made.
Shops Act, 1934, and Young Persons Employment Act, 1936.
Regular investigations and inspections were made in connection
with these Acts, and it has been ascertained that the conditions of
employment have improved, both as to hours of employment of
young persons and the arrangements made for the health and comfort
of shop workers generally. 349 special visits were made in connection
with the enforcement of these Acts. The number of young
persons employed at present is still above the normal, owing to wartime
conditions. Shopkeepers are desirous of taking reasonable
measures to comply with all the requirements of the Shops Acts,
and are ready to obtain and act upon the advice and instructions
given by the Shops Inspectors.
Shops (Sunday Trading Restriction) Act, 1936.
The provisions of this Act are effectively carried out by means
of systematic investigations and observations. It is satisfactory
to note that shopkeepers appreciate the opportunity of having a
day's rest each week, and very few shops open on Sundays in