London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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Addresses of other Public Officers, more or less connected
with Public Health Work.
Registrars of Births and Deaths—
East Tottenham: Mr. H. J. Roynon, 664, High Road.
West Tottenham: Mr. E. S. Chapman, 239, West Green Road.
Relieving Officers—
East Tottenham: Mr. A. J. Wrampling, 689, High Road, and
Mr. J. Sweet, Stonebridge Hall, Stonebridge Road.
West Tottenham: Mr. J. Graville and Mr. A. J. Mister,
186, West Green Road.
Public Vaccinators—
Dr. T. McLaren, 38, Bruce Grove.
Dr. A. C. Hill, 99, Philip Lane.
Dr. F. Sharpe, 326, Philip Lane.
Vaccination Officer—
Mr. H. J. Roynon, 664, High Road.
Coroner's Officer—
Police-Sergt. V. Bonn, Police Station, High Road.