London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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These figures vary considerably from year to year,
as the numbers are insufficient to get a thoroughly
concordant result.
When the children are seen at Bruce Castle, those
suffering from external diseases are treated and supplied
with suitable remedies, of which a small stock is kept, and
are, of course, excluded from school if the affection is
contagious. Those requiring operation or in-patient treatment
are referred to an eye hospital. In cases of error of
refraction, which forms over three quarters of the whole,
a mydriatic is used, scopolamine for the myopes and some of
the older children, and atropine for the others. In the case
of the former the error of refraction is estimated the same day,
in the latter on the following week, and glasses ordered if
The following is a list of the cases other than
Conjunctivitis and blepharitis 54
Trachoma 1
Night blindness due to xerosis conjunctivitis
Retinitis Pigmentosa 1
Lamellar cataract 1
Injury to trochlea from operation for
dermoid 1
Phlyctenules 14
Congenital syphilitic disease 2
Disturbance of pigment at macula from
watching eclipse 1
Primary nystagmus 1
Traumatic cataract 1