London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Subject Page
Epileptic Children 104,
Epilepsy 25,
Erysipelas 7,
Factories Act, 1937 26-28
Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs 38, 47
Food Hygiene Regulations, 1955 37,
Food and Drugs Act, 1955 32-34, 36
Food Inspection 31-36
Food Poisoning 5, 7, 8
Food Samples 33, 34
Food Unsound 32,
Foul Linen Service 11,
General Health and Welfare Services 25,
Hairdressers and Barbers Shops 37,
Handicapped Children 68,69,103-107
Health Education 12-15, 8l
Health Visiting 79-82
Hearing of School Children 97-98
Home Nursing 83-85
Housing 40-43
Houses Let in Lodgings 41,
Houses - Defects remedied 42,
Hygiene Inspections (School Children) 89, 90
Hygiene of School Premises 89,
Ice Cream 32,33,35,36,47
Ice Lollies 36, 47
Immunisation - Diphtheria 16,
Infant Mortality 5, 73, 75
Infant Welfare 52-77,
Infectious Diseases 5, 7, 9
Influenza 5,
Leavers (School) 87, 108
Maladjusted Children 105,
Malaria 7,
Maternal Mortality 5, 74
Maternity and Child Welfare 52-77
Ante-natal and Post-natal Care 54,
Audiology Unit 58-67,
Chest X-rays 54,
Child Welfare 56-58
Convalescence 72,
Day Nurseries and Child Minders 70-72
Dental Treatment 102,
Handicapped Children 68, 69
Health Visiting 79-82
Liaison with Children's Officers 72,
Maternity Service 77, 78