London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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General Cases
There was a small decrease in the number of applications received for domestic
help: 339 applications In 1957 compared with 372 in 1956. There is still, however, an
upward trend in the number of cases remaining on the register indicating that in many
instances the service is being required for longer periods than previously.
Tuberculosis Cases
Fourteen new applications were received during the year making a total of 35
cases given domestic help for varying periods. Of the 14 cases provided with home help
for the first time 6 were in the under 50 group.
Maternity Cases
The number of applications for home help for maternity cases was very small. Of
the 12 applications received 4 were subsequently withdrawn leaving 8 only who received
the service.
It is believed that the cost of the service to the applicants is a major factor
causing withdrawals of applications.
General Sickness, Aged and Infirm Cases.
Number of applications received 339
Number withdrawn or cancelled 40
New cases accepted during 1957 299 - Males 36
Females 263 299
Number of cases on the books at end of 1956 771
Total number of cases receiving home help
during 1957 1,070
Number of cases on books at end of 1957 790
Ages of Applicants to whom home help was supplied for the first time:-
Under 50 27 9.0
Between 50/59 19 6.4
Between 60/69 47 l6.0
Between 70/79 144 48.0
Between 80/89 58 19.3
Between 90/99 4 1.3
299 100%
Cases assessed to pay 39
Cases free 260
Average number of hours of service per case per week 3.8