London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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The Hospitals Committee.
Chairman : Councillor Mrs. Bock.
Aldermen : Croot, Rumsey, and Streimer.
Councillors: Adams, Mrs. Barnes, Hall, Mrs. Harris, Mrs.
Hollins, Macgregor, Mrs. Parsons, Walker, Ward, Mrs.
Wood, and Wordley.
The Public Assistance Committee.
Chairman : Councillor Mrs. Parsons.
Alderman Wooder.
Councillors: Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Bock, Bulling, Mrs. Cook, G.
Doherty, Mrs. Harnwell, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Hollins,
Manners, Mansford, Ridgwell, Mrs. Venton, and Mrs.
Wybrew; together with Alderman Rumsey, Councillors
Bradley, C. K. Collins, Edwards, Gay, Hearn, Osbourn,
Wells, White, and Mrs. Wood for facilitating the performance
of the duties conferred or imposed on the Council by the
Unemployment Insurance (National Economy) (No. 2)
Order, 1931.
The Committee for the Care of the Mentally Defective.
Chairman : The Mayor.
The whole Council, Mrs. A. M. Bulling and Mrs. F. Cornelius.
The Executive Committee for the Care of the Mentally Defective.
Chairman : The Mayor.
Aldermen: Bell, Croot, Godbold, J. H. Hollins, Husband,
Scoulding, and Streimer.
Councillors: Mrs. Bock, H. D. Clark, Mrs. Hollins, Mrs.
Parsons, Ridgwell, Ward. Mrs. Wood, and Wordley.
Mrs. Bulling and Mrs. Cornelius.
Institutions Management Sub-Committee.
Chairman: Councillor G. Doherty.
Plus Rota of Members of Public Assistance Committee.
Chairman : Councillor Mansford.
Plus Rota of Members of Public Assistance Committee.
Joint Committee re Hospital Accommodation.
Alderman Wooder.
Councillors: Mrs. Bock, G. Doherty, Hearn, Mrs. Hollins, Mrs.
Parsons, Ridgwell, Walker, and Wordley.