London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Deaths in Public Institutions.
The great use made of the facilities lor Institutional treatment
is shown by the subjoined table, viz. :

Deaths in Council's Institutions.

Under 1 year1 year & upwards
Whipps Cross Hospital44548
Central Home1377
Harold Wood Hospital29
Dagenham Sanatorium(31
West Ham Mental Hospital-52
Plaistow Fever Hospital073
Forest Gate Hospital2471
Deaths in other Institutions.
Under 1 year1 year & upwards
Queen Mary's Hospital for the East End44134
St. Mary's Hospital, Plaistow2039
Plaistow Maternity Hospital227
Royal Albert Dock Hospital-33
Children's Hospital, Balaam Street112
Other places, e.g. Docks, etc.4
Residents dying in outside Institutions44317
Non-residents dying in West Ham Institutions50153
Net West Ham Deaths occurring in Institutions1757

The above figures show that over 54.0 per cent. of the deaths
occurring in West Ham took place in public institutions.