London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Schools are visited each year by a Lady Doctor, and the same
Medical Services are available for the scholars as for those children
in the Elementary Schools. Vision is mainly treated by the
School Oculist, but a few parents prefer to obtain treatment
All other defects are treated almost entirely privately.
All the West Ham children in attendance at this school,
with the exception of those in the Preparatory Department, were
examined during 1934.
A total of 198 pupils were examined during the year, of
whom 29 were found with defects requiring treatment. In addition
25 girls required special exercises for slight deformities.
These exercises were carried out by the Drill Mistress.
Thanks are due the Principal, Dr. Florence Barnett, and the
staff, for their efficient co-operation during the Inspection.
An inspection of all West Ham pupils was made, excluding
those in the Preparatory School, and a re-inspection of those
children found defective was carried out later in the year.
There were 155 pupils examined, and only 16 were found to
require treatment for minor ailments.
A list of 22 girls requiring remedial exercises for slight
deformities, such as flat feet, etc., was left with the Drill Mistress.
The Principal continues her active interest and co-operation
in the Medical examination, and in seeing that the recommendations
for treatment are fully carried out.
Continuation Schools
There are two Continuation Schools in the Borough, viz..
the Shakespeare Institute and the Lister Institute.
Routine Medical Inspection of the pupils attending the Continuation
Schools is now undertaken by the Authority.

Following are the particulars relating to the examinations:—

Number ExaminedDefects found
Shakespeare Institute10519
Lister Institute13140