London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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also examined by the Chief Assistant School Medical Officer to
ascertain their fitness for school, or otherwise. Some are returned
to the Elementary school, many are recommended for admission
to the Special Schools, but the majority are found to be unfit for
school attendance.
The permanent out-of-school cases are visited from time to
time by the Nurse, and should there be any changes in the condition
which justify re-examination, arrangements are made accordingly.
There is also an annual return at the end of the year, submitted
by Head Teachers, of all children who in their opinion are
exceptional. These are examined by the medical staff, and cases
considered unfit for attendance at an ordinary school are referred
for further examination by the Chief Assistant School Medical
A number of children are placed in various Institutions, and
the Local Authority is responsible for their maintenance.
(b) All mentally defective children not in school are followed
up. These out-of-school cases are periodically medically examined
to ascertain their fitness for admission to Special Schools.
Mentally defective children who are not in Special Schools
are those who are too young for certification. These are reviewed
from time to time by the Chief Assistant School Medical Officer.
(c) Ceneral Review of the work of the Authority's Special Schools.
Knox Road and Crange Road Special Schools for
Mentally and Physically Defective Children.
The Special Schools at Knox Road and Grange Road have
provision for Mentally and Physically Defective children, as
Knox Road Crange Road
95 Mental Defectives 95 Mental Defectives
80 Physical Defectives 72 Physical Defectives
All the children attending these Special Schools have annual
routine inspection, and any cases found to require treatment for
minor ailments are referred to the Clinics in the same way as
appertains with the ordinary elementary schools. Cases also found
to be in need of dental treatment are sent to a School Dental Clinic
and treated, where possible, under the Authority's scheme. A
certain number of cases are referred for treatment at the Dental
Department of a local Hospital.
Children found with defective vision are seen by the Committee's
Oculist, and assistance given in the purchase of glasses,
if necessary, as in the case of elementary school children.