London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Domiciliary Treatment.
At the end of the year 315 patients were receiving treatment
from their Panel Doctors: 615 Domiciliary Reports have been
Dispensary Treatment.
At the end of the year 476 children and non-insured persons
were receiving treatment.
Artificial Pneumothorax.
Nine cases have been under treatment and 46 refills have
been given.
Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Adult cases have been sent to the Royal Sea-Bathing Hospital,
Margate. Children have been sent chiefly to the Lord Mayor
Treloar Cripples Hospital, Alton.
Tuberculosis of Skin.
Twenty-two cases have been under treatment at the Light
Department of the London Hospital.
After Care.
All cases on return from Institution are examined at the
Dispensary or in their own homes, if necessary, and appropriate
treatment is arranged.
Extra Nourishment.
Grants have been made and at the end of the year 259 persons
were in receipt of these.
Results of Treatment.

Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

During the five years 1927—1931, 36 adult cases were treated at the Royal Sea-Bathing Hospital, Margate. The site of the disease was as follows:—

Spine10Other Joints8
At the end of the year 1934 the condition of these patients was reported:—
Well and Disease arrested2364
Lost sight of or left Area5
Under Treatment2