London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Other samples examined during the year were:—
3 samples of air.
2 waters.
33 rag flocks, 7 of which were unsatisfactory.
4 disinfectants.
All for the Public Health Department.
4 waters.
1 water deposit.
For the Borough Engineer's Department.
Fifty-one samples were examined under the Fertilisers' and
Feeding Stuffs' Act.
The Public Health (Meat) Regulations, 1924.
(This work is carried out by the Veterinary Officer,
Mr. E. Bywater, M.R.C.V.S., and the Meat Inspector,
Mr. T. R. Harris) who report as follows:—
Scope of Report.
In this report we review the work carried out under the
Regulations during the vear with the exception of that relating
to Stalls. Shops, Stores, etc.
Ante-Mortem Examinations.
Ante-Mortem examinations involving 5,246 animals were
made by the Veterinary Officer.
Post-Mortem Examinations.
Nineteen thousand one hundred and forty-five animals were
inspected after slaughter, and of these 2,034, or 10.62 per cent.,
were diseased.
Bovines numbered 1,600, of which 533, or 33.31 per cent.,
were affected with tuberculosis, while 204, or 12.75 per cent.,
were otherwise diseased.
Porcines accounted for 3,549, and of this number 336, or
9.46 per cent., were tubercular and 230, or 6.48 per cent., were
affected with other diseases.
Of the 13,996 Ovines which were examined, 731, or 5.22 per
cent., were found to be diseased.
Detailed information is given in Table I as to the numbers
and percentages of animals diseased, while in Table II the total
quantity of meat found to be unfit for human food is enumerated.
The incidence of tuberculosis among bovines is the lowest
observed since 1926. In the case of porcines the figure is higher
than in any previous year, with the exception of 1933.
The presence of any degree of tuberculosis in an animal
necessitated a special examination, in accordance with Memo
62 Foods, to determine the extent and character of the infection
prior to releasing anv part of even a slightly affected carcase,
and such examinations occupied a considerable amount of time.