London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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ambulance service.
In connection with the Health Services of the Borough Ambulances
are provided by the Council as follows :—
Whipps Cross Hospital
(Public Assistance Committee) Six
Plaistow Hospital
(for infectious cases only) Two
Harold Wood Hospital One
(to be transferred to
Whipps Cross Hospital)
Public Health Committee and
Highways Committee Four
(one emergency for
Smallpox only)
In addition to the two Ambulances at Plaistow Hospital, three
specially constructed motor vehicles are in use for removing bedding,
clothing, or other infected material to the Disinfecting Station,
which latter is situated at the Fever Hospital. The number
of journeys made for Infectious diseases totals 1,294, and the
journeys made by the vans for infected material 1,590.
1'he Borough Ambulances provided for the removal of persons
to Hospitals in consequence of being injured in street accidents
or on account of sudden illness responded to 2,560 calls during
the year under review. Of this number 81 calls on the Ambulance
which is situated at Silvertown were made. The Silvertown
Ambulance is available daily between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11
p.m. The other two vehicles are available night and day.
Facilities for obtaining ambulances through the Council's
1 ram Conductors and the Police have been made, and notices are
displayed in all West Ham tramcars giving information. Notices
to the same effect are exhibited at all the Council's Conveniences
and Fire Stations.
Reciprocal arrangements are in existence between the Boroughs
of West Ham, Fast Ham, and Barking for the use of ambulances
in the event of either of the vehicles belonging to the foregoing
Authorities being unavailable. Seventeen journeys were
made during 1932 under this agreement.
The ambulance may be requisitioned for a person requiring
in-patient treatment at Hospital provided a medical certificate is
Persons receiving out-patient treatment at Hospitals are not
permitted the use of the ambulance provided by the Local Authority.