London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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INDEX (Public Health).
Acts, Bye-Laws, and Local Regulations (list of adoptive) 44
Ambulance Services 33
Anthrax 113
Appendix I., Local Government Act, 1929 135-139
Bakehouses 68
Births 13 14
Central Home 30 137
Cerebro Spinal Fever 93
Charts 15 17 23 27 129
Children Act, 1908 125
Clinics, School, etc.34 117 119
Committees, list of 8-10
Common Lodging Houses 49
Contents 4
Convalescence 124
Council, list of Members 7
Dagenham Sanatorium and Langdon Hills Sanatorium.
Medical Superintendent's Report, etc. 26 103-107
Deaths 13 14
Deaths, causes of 20
Deaths in Institutions 19
Dental Work 119
Diarrhoea, etc. (deaths from) (under 2 years of age) 13
Diphtheria 91
Disinfection 97
District Medical Officer's Summary of Work 135
Drainage and Sewerage 48
Dried Milk, Distribution of 122
Erysipelas 93
Extracts from Vital Statistics 13
Factories, Workshops and Workplaces 68
Fertilisers' and Feeding Stuffs' Act, 1926 83
Food, Inspection and Supervision of, Unsound, etc. 62-83
Forest Gate Hospital 29 138
Forest House 29 139
General Provision of Health Services 26
Harold Wood Hospital 94
Health matters dealt with affecting inhabitants 14
Health Visiting 115
Home Helps 120
Hospitals 26-29 94 123