London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Propaganda Work.
During the year the question of Propaganda in connection
with the Public Health of the Borough has been under consideration.
To inaugurate a campaign of this type in December
a Christmas card was printed and (with the cordial co.operation
of the School Teachers) distributed to each of the scholars in
the Boys' and Girls' Departments of the Elementary Schools.
The text of this card is reproduced here. It is the intention of
the Medical Officer of Health to write a brief article on each
of the nine points mentioned and to elicit the help of the School
Teachers in bringing these articles to the notice of the children
and their parents.
(Outside Cover).
The Public Health Committee of the West Ham Council
send Greetings for a Happy Xmas and Good Health
during the Coming Year.
health is better than wealth.
How to be Healthy.
1. Eat plain wholesome food at regular intervals, and
drink plenty of water.
2. Keep the teeth sound and clean and the feet warm and
3. Breathe through the nose, not through the mouth.
4. Remember an open window lets out more disease than
it could ever let in.
5. Take daily open.air exercise, in the sunshine when
0. Go to bed early to get sufficient sleep, and be regular in
your habits.
7. Wash the whole body at least once a week.
8. Strive to be healthy if you wish to be happy.
9. Never forget that the most powerful of all disinfectants