London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Sutton and Cheam 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Sutton and Cheam]

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4. Housing Act, 1957 - Part IV
(a) (1) Number of dwellings overcrowded at the year-end. 55
(2) Number of families dwelling therein 125
(3) Number of persons dwelling therein (i.e.
Equivalent number of adults) 333
(b) Number of new cases of overcrowding reported during
the year 30
(c) (1) Number of cases of overcrowding relieved 30
(2) Number of persons concerned in such cases
(i.e. Equivalent number of adults) 101½
(d) Particulars of any case in which dwelling-houses have
again become overcrowded after the local authority have
taken steps for the abatement of overcrowding Nil
These figures are based on the known cases of statutory overcrowding,
and are obtained from cases discovered during routine inspections of
dwellings, applications made for Council housing accommodation, and on
information received in the Department, all of which have been checked by
your Inspectorial Staff at the year-end.
During the year 282 visits were made to dwelling-houses in respect of
overcrowding enquiries and permitted number of occupants.
The 30 cases of overcrowding abated were relieved by the following
(a) Rehoused by the Borough Council 12
(b) Reduction in the pumber of occupants 4
(c) Other accommodation obtained on own
initiative 14
(d) Rehoused by other Local Authorities -
5. Grants for the Improvement or Conversion of Houses
Section 20 of the Housing Act, 1949 empowered local authorities to
make grants at their discretion for the improvement of dwellings by the
provision of certain amenities.
The Borough Council decided to operate the scheme in October, 1954
Section 30 of the Housing Act, 1961 alters the circumstances in which
improvement grants and standard grants may be made under Part 11 of the
Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1958 and the House Purchase and
Housing Act, 1959.