London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Brentford and Chiswick 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Brentford and Chiswick]

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The housing conditions of 51 of the 60 cases of tuberculosis were found
to be as follows:-
51 patients lived in sufficiently satisfactory housing accommodation, 17
in flats, 20 in houses. 14 in lodgings or furnished rooms.
None of the patients lived in overcrowded conditions, but four of them
lived in old, dilapidated property, subject to dampness.
The housing particulars of 9 cases were not obtainable either because of
removal of patients to other districts or because of resistance of patients to
home visiting.
Nine new notifications came from homes already returning one or more cases
of tuberculosis.
27 cases were inward transfers from other districts and, therefore, had
not developed their illness while resident in Brentford and Chiswick.
In the 1959 Report it was still apparent that four cases of tuberculosis
were still living in unsatisfactory home conditions, two of them had been known
to be doing so since 1953, but it is pleasing to report this year that all have
had their difficulty resolved either by rehousing locally or by removal from
the district.
Mass X ray
During 1960, the mobile Mass X-ray unit made short visits to three factories
and a Convent in the Borough. 3,687 people were X rayed and 2 cases of active
tuberculosis and 2 cases of lung cancer were discovered
It is now possible to send persons desirous of availing themselves of the
facility, to a static Mass X ray Unit at West Middlesex Hospital without an
appointment on any day of the week to have an X ray of the chest. This is a
very valuable addition to the armaments of preventive medicine and is made use
of by many who need reassurance because of vague suspicions of contact. It is
particularly useful to the Public Health Department for the obtaining of quick
reports on candidates for employment on the Borough Council staff
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