London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Brentford and Chiswick 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Brentford and Chiswick]

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Thus, of the 436 children in the Borough who were
examined on leaving school, "exceptions" were found in 19.9
per cent. and 16.7 per cent. still required treatment.
The treatment required was chiefly for minor dental defects
or for changing spectacles. In the majority of cases the
treatment was completed before they actually left school.
(6) There is a system of co-operation with the Welfare
Department of the Chiswick Products Works, with respect to
the Dental Department, the School Dental Surgeon sending all
necessary dental records of employees to the factory when they
are applied for.
(7) The Invalid Children's Aid Association.—The valuable
services rendered to us by this Society are mentioned under the
section describing the Rheumatism Clinic.
The work done by this Association in this Borough is highly
appreciated by the School Medical Service. A representative
from the Association attends all Rheumatism Clinics and a
home visitor has been appointed who follows up all special cases.
We would like to emphasise our indebtedness to this
The number of these children is shown in Table III.
These children are discovered partly at the various
inspections and clinics and partly by the Head Teachers, who
supply lists of all such children they know are attending the
schools. Those not sent to Special Schools are kept under
observation, and "backward" children are taught in special