London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Brentford and Chiswick 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Brentford and Chiswick]

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The following information is included and set out in such
form as required by the Ministry of Health Circular No. 1728,
relative to the preparation of Annual Reports for the year 1938
(1) Public Health Officers of the Authority.
A list of all health officers employed by the Council is
incorporated at the beginning of the Report.
(2) Development and changes in certain services provided in the
(a) Laboratory Facilities.
No change has taken place in the arrangements for the
examination of clinical material submitted by medical men for
bacteriological examination. Details of the work carried out in
the Council's laboratory will be found set out on page 55.
(b) Ambulance Facilities.
The ambulance arrangements for the Borough are both
adequate and up to date. Four motor ambulances for public
use are maintained, and all are now equipped with outfits for
the administration of morphine sulphate by medical men in
cases of urgency.
The use these ambulances were put to during the year is
reflected in the following figures :—
Number of public calls dealt with during 1938
Number of private calls dealt with during 1938 484
The Joint Hospitals Committee maintain their own motor
ambulances for the removal of infectious patients to hospital,
and in addition the Middlesex County Council have a special
motor service for the removal of the many patients of the
Borough using the County Hospitals.
(c) Nursing in the Home.
No change has taken place in this service. The Brentford
and Chiswick Nursing Association, in affiliation with the
Queen's Institute of District Nursing, still continues to function
and employs two nurses for work in the district.
In connection with this nursing service, there is a scheme
whereby for a minimum subscription of one penny per week