London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Brentford and Chiswick 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Brentford and Chiswick]

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Laryngeal Diphtheria.—Four cases were admitted as laryngeal
diphtheria. Two were found to be actually suffering from this
condition and they recovered without operation. The other two
cases were diagnosed as measles and septic meningitis respectively.
Deaths.—There were eight deaths among cases sent in as
diphtheria but only four were of patients who actually suffered from
diphtheria. These four fatal cases of diphtheria were well advanced
in the disease on admission. Two of them occurred within three
days of admission. The third survived until the fourth day to
die of cardiac failure and the fourth, although a severe case, survived
for 47 days and then suddenly collapsed and died within 48 hours.
The four cases not found to be suffering from diphtheria were
ultimately diagnosed respectively as:—
Capillary bronchitis, streptococcal tonsillitis with erysipelas
of face and broncho-pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis and
septic meningitis.
Return Cases.—There was one return case. A child was
discharged with no evidence of the diphtheria bacillus in his throat,
but in three weeks' time a sister was admitted with diphtheria.
Duration of Stay- The average duration of stay in Hospital
for cases of diphtheria was 48.8 days.
Other Diseases.—Cases of measles to the number of 24,
mostly complicated, were admitted for treatment. Two of these
cases died, one from pneumonia and the other from acute appendicitis
and peritonitis.
One case was admitted with pneumonia with a purpuric rash
and died, there being no evidence of measles.
Cubicle Block.—The cubicle block which was opened in the
previous year proved of great value from the administrative point
of view. The value is indicated by the different kinds of cases
dealt with in them during the year. These were as follows:—
Ophthalmia 3, puerperal sepsis 7, scarlet fever with
diphtheria 11, scarlet fever (suspected) 6, scarlet fever with
measles 6, scarlet fever with chickenpox 5, scarlet fever