London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hounslow 1969

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hounslow]

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Accidents in the home 34-35
Agricultural Premises 88
Ambulance service 28
Animal boarding establishments 88
Animal diseases 88
Ante natal clinics 38, 100
Appreciation 18
Asthma and allergy clinic 46-47
Audiology 47-48
Births 21. 23
Building Projects 15 19-20
Burials 90
Caravans 87
Cerebral palsy unit 48-49
Cervical cytology 38
Chest clinics 32 99
Child guidance clinic 49-51
health clinics 39, 100
minders 41
Chiropody 33
Clean air 16 34-85
Clinic other premises 113-116
Committee members 3-7
Co-ordination and co-operation 90
Day centre 77
nurseries 40 100
Deaths 22 23, 91
Dental services 67-68 101, 112
Disinfection 25
DPH training scheme 90
Environmental health 78-89
Factories 85r 106
Family doctors 18, 30
planning 16 41
First aid in schools and colleges 65
Fluoride 16. 67
Food and drugs 80-84
Foot inspections 111
Handicapped children 52-59
Health centres 28
education 17, 34. 65, 67
visiting 30, 98
services - unification 18
Hearing clinic 47-48
Home help 32, 99
nursing 31, 99
safety 34-35
Hospitals 18, 25 27-28
Hostels 69 75-76
Hounslow project 35-38
Housing 86-37
Illegitimate births 21, 23