London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Feltham 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Feltham]

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Hawkers of Foodstuffs
Under the provisions of Section 11 of the Middlesex
County Council Act, 1950, persons selling foodstuffs from
any vehicles etc. who are not the occupiers of open shops
for the sale of foodstuffs are required to be registered with
the local authority and any foodstores at which the foodstuff
intended for sale are stored, are also required to be registered,
but there is no requirement that a hawker shall
have a food store. Broadly the local authority may only
refuse registration if the public health is likely to be endangered
or the proposed storage premises are considered
unsuitable. Public health control over hawkers' activities
is not very effective but every endeavour is made to maintain
a reasonable hygienic standard.
Four new hawkers of foodstuffs were registered.
Street Traders
Persons wishing to trade from fixed sites in any public
street are required to hold licences under Sections 320 and
321 of the Middlesex County Council Act, 1944. The licence
of a street trader to sell fruit and vegetables in the district was
There are no slaughter-houses or knackers yards in the
district. One slaughter-man's licence was renewed.
In July 1960 the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Food accepted the Council's slaughterhouse report and The
Slaughter-houses (Hygiene) Regulations (Appointed Day No.
2.) Order, 1960 and the Slaughter of Animals (Prevention of
Cruelty) Regulations (Appointed Day No. 2) Order, 1960,
came into operation in the district on 1st October, 1960.
Inspection and Supervision of Food
Carcase meat and offal was inspected at butchers' shop,
catering establishments and elsewhere, and 667 lbs. beef and
11 lbs. pork was considered unfit for human consumption
and surrendered.
In addition, the following amounts of other foodstuffs
were found to be unfit for human consumption:
Fish 196 lbs