London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Feltham 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Feltham]

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Maternal Mortality
I am happy to report that there has been no maternal
mortality during the year. There has only been one
such death, in 1950, during the past six years.
There are still very many families sharing accommodation
or living in one or two rooms. These families
are mostly young couples, living often with their
parents, and in many cases trying to raise a young family
under most difficult and trying conditions. There is a
need for still more houses although in the post-war years
the Housing Committee have built 1,277 permanent
houses and 150 temporary bungalows. This is a magnificent
achievement which will bear comparison with that
of any other authority of similar size. Quality has not
been sacrificed to the need for numbers, and the Committee
is to be congratulated upon the fine houses which
have been provided, both for their pleasing appearance
and layout and the amenities afforded.
Diphtheria Immunisation
Responsibility for carrying out diphtheria immunisation
passed to the Middlesex County Council on the
5th July, 1948, in accordance with the provisions of the
National Health Service Act. Since the end of 1948 all
arrangements for immunisation have been carried out
by the County Council. The department has co-operated
with regard to giving publicity to the need for immunisation
and vaccination.
Water Analysis
1. The Bedfont and Feltham Wards of the District are
supplied by the South West Suburban Water Co., and
the Hanworth Ward by the Metropolitan Water Board.
The water supplied to this area by the South West
Suburban Water Co. is taken by the Company from the
Metropolitan Water Board. The water is derived from
the River Thames purified in the storage reservoirs at
Littleton, Staines and Walton, and is filtered and
chlorinated at the Hampton Works. A contact period
of over an hour is given at the works for the completion
of chlorination. The water supplv has been satisfactory
both as regards quantity and quality.